
By Eduardo Ramos


In these mountains, in these woods,
I am surrounded by beauty,
but I’m denied yours.
I’m denied the golden glow
where the sun kisses your skin,
and the gentle curve of your horizon.
The beauty here is in tall sentinels,
yours in freedom.

I long for your salt scented whispers,
and the soft giggle of your waves.
For your promise of adventure,
and the weightlessness of your embrace.
I shiver at the majesty of your storms
molding cliffs and valleys out of water,
at your raging gusts that push yet lure me
toward your crashing surge.
Whether under smiling rays
or mournful torrent
your presence fills my senses.

You were once mine.
Or rather, I was yours.
Take me again,
drag me from the sanity of the shore
and consume me
with your endless possibilities.

Eduardo Ramos is a Dominican poet from New York. His poetry has appeared and is forthcoming in Fahmidan Journal, Lit. 202, Writers Resist, and Partially Shy Magazine.